
Song of the Month: May 2012

May is almost over which means that WINTER IS COMING. Of course, most people in Cape Town think winter starts the minute the weather stops being super hot and sunshiney (April). Most people are idiots. It is known.*

This month I decided to go with two songs (again). One is by Fleet Foxes. It makes me quite happy.
Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal

The next one is by Arcade Fire. This one doesn't make me feel happy...but it doesn't make me feel sad either. I can't quite explain.
Arcade Fire - Cold Wind

Both of these songs relate to the first paragraph. Can you guess how? I'm so subtle. Also, I'm aware how hipsterful this post is.

*I'm letting you all know that I totes watch Game of Thrones.

3 words

Redesign. Refocus. Restart.

I initially started this blog for the sake of starting a blog. Not generally the best way to start a blog. So, what I'm going to do is basically reboot* Qinoom. Have it be more focused so that posts aren't so...scattered. I feel like this should be more cohesive? I'll try not to make this a personal blog thing. I would obvs still post my many opinions on things but I think I need to stick to a sort of formula. Hopefully it doesn't get too repetitive** and mundane, though. In summary: new blog design***, focused subject matter (fashion, my designs/"artwork", music), and I'll try to always type like a lady. :)

In other news, 3rd year is a crapload of work.**** I mean, it's not like I wasn't expecting that but I feel like I can't breathe sometimes. Then I just do nothing. I'm a stupid.

Here is a song for you. 

*4 words
***attempting to do that myself, wish me luck
****I already broke away from the formula. dang it. I kind of already saw myself not sticking to said formula :l


I can draw. kind of.

These are my fashion figure templates that I'll be using this year. I'll probably use it for the rest of my life.* I did it in Illustrator and it literally took me like 10 minutes.** I can't draw to save my life so you can imagine how proud I am of these babies. Yeah, I know, I'm the worst fashion designer ever. WHATEVS. I was partially inspired by Mr T. Burton. That guy, he's a genius.

*a lie.
**why am I lying so much?

all original content © Mooniq Marlie, 2012-2013.


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