Redesign. Refocus. Restart.
I initially started this blog for the sake of starting a blog. Not generally the best way to start a blog. So, what I'm going to do is basically reboot* Qinoom. Have it be more focused so that posts aren't so...scattered. I feel like this should be more cohesive? I'll try not to make this a personal blog thing. I would obvs still post my many opinions on things but I think I need to stick to a sort of formula. Hopefully it doesn't get too repetitive** and mundane, though. In summary: new blog design***, focused subject matter (fashion, my designs/"artwork", music), and I'll try to always type like a lady. :)
In other news, 3rd year is a crapload of work.**** I mean, it's not like I wasn't expecting that but I feel like I can't breathe sometimes. Then I just do nothing. I'm a stupid.
Here is a song for you.
*4 words
***attempting to do that myself, wish me luck
****I already broke away from the formula. dang it. I kind of already saw myself not sticking to said formula :l
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