
aztec-tically pleasing

so this trend is going to be HUGE in South Africa in a year or two. I didn't see it explode yet like it's doing overseas but SA is a *tiny* bit behind on trends. Not because they aren't available here but because people are slowwwww on the uptake. Please forgive me if any of the prints above are NOT Aztec. I did a Google image/pinterest search.

ANYWAY, I LOVE THESE KIND OF PRINTS. Last year my swimwear designs were inspired by Native Americans (Navajo specifically). Also, I come up with the worst trend titles.

song/album of the month: july 2012

One of my all time favourite bands, Metric, released their album last month. And what an awesome album it is! This is the only music I have on my phone right now, that's how good it is.* It's called Synthetica and continues in the same vein as Fantasies - you know, electronicy** sounding. That's the album I first heard of them and made me fall in l o v e with this band of amazingness*** :). I chose The Void as song of the month because that song was basically written about me. But each and every one of the songs on this album are worthy of obsessive repeats, you guys. Do it.

*all my files were erased from SD card and I was too lazy to put everything back on. ha.
**totally a word.
***leave me alone.

the pros and cons of selling out as a {fashion student}

I finished an internship with a retail company today, and while I found the whole experience very informative and dare I say - FUN*, I began worrying about what I'd do next year.** So I made this list thingy***:

click for full resolution. if you want. i'm not telling you what to do, gawd.

of course, my other options are DO NOTHING, marry a very wealthy man I can bum off the rest of my life or continuing my studies by doing my BTech. I guess I'll leave that for another list thingy.

Also, if you're Muslim and you're reading this post - Ramadaan Kareem! :)

*also exhausting. going from waking up at 8 for college to 6.30 for work :/ being an adult is tiring!
**I graduate this year
***I got distracted while doing this & I was too lazy to finish it when I remembered what I was doing, so it is a bit incomplete.

cape town.

I might just be ever so slightly obsessed with capes these days.*
& how cute are these?:

I want to make something like that for myself and mom's store. I ALSO HAVE AN AWESOME IDEA FOR A PHOTOSHOOT NOW.**

*just a little bit.
**will share it soon soon :)

all original content © Mooniq Marlie, 2012-2013.


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