
the birth of Moon

The title of this post leaves me slightly nauseous. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, I give you...

I'm not 100% committed to this, though. It was created this afternoon because I was about to send off a design for a client when I realised my label name is not on the design sheet. I do like it, I really do, but I have commitment issues :'( So this may or may not stick. I think I'll make a few other logos and see which one sticks to me the most. For now, this will do.

Menswear: Coats

So I'm making a coat for a friend of mine, thought I'd post my research here.

can you guess why I love researching menswear? :)

Song of the Month: June 2012

You know how you have music on your PC that you never listen to? C'mon! You DID NOT listen to over 20000 songs ever, stop lying. Sigur Ros, sorry Sigur Rós, is part of my "music that I've never listened to but have on my PC". Okay, now I'm lying. I never had Sigur Rós on my PC. Except for this song that I'm going to make my song of the month. I admit, I have heard of Sigur Rós but never heard them. But this week, the band seem to pop up EVERYWHERE.* I took it as a sign that the universe would like me to listen to them. I always listen to the universe because the universe speaks only truth. Anyway. They weren't already in my vast music library so I wiki'd them. Read that Jónsi is the lead singer. "jon...si...I know that name!", is what I thought to myself. I searched Jónsi in my library and this track appeared:

Which is now my song of the month. Yes, it's a Tiesto, sorry Tiësto, song. No, I don't listen to any of his other songs.**

I find myself tripping on Jónsi's voice. It's beautiful. Jónsi is a guy. I don't know how to pronounce his name or band properly. I have listened to this song 50 times today. It feels like it's hugging me. I am in the process of getting Sigur Rós' other albums so that I become the BIGGEST FAN EVER.***

EDIT: I actually have Sigur Rós on my laptop already.

*tastekid, last.fm, twitter, Portlandia
**total lie. but like, shut up? I like what I like.
***music snobs, you may hate me now.

of iPhone photoshoots

I somehow ended up on this website where I watched a video about some guys doing a high end fashion shoot using only an iPhone 3GS camera. Well, the pictures were retouched in Photoshop, and there was awesome lighting, but whatevs. I thought it was really cool*. I found it interesting because a. people think you can't take great shots without expensive equipment and b. pro photographers are mad that your average Joe thinks he's a photographer now that he has Instagram on his smartphone. YO pro photographers, I know how you feel. Seriously, it seems that everyone is a fashion designer/has a label too these days but it doesn't mean that everyone is gonna make it. Some people are shit & have too much self-confidence but some people are just naturally creative and talented. I guess it also annoys you because you spent so much money becoming a photographer (try paying my fashion school fees bro!) and now these lil turds who paid less than R10000 think they're amazing. It doesn't hurt that they have thousands of social network fans to stroke their egos either, but you know what? Get over it. So what if they think they're photographers? They'll either get bored of it one day or you know, actually improve and metamorphosise into good photographers. It probably kills you that you like some of their work too, doesn't it? Ha!

ANYWHO, It made me think that maybe I** could do something like that too (ONE DAY, NOT NOW) but instead of an iPhone (as I don't have one), I could use my not-as-flashy-with-limited-space Android phone, which I won't name.*** It has a 5 megapixel camera, which is better than a 3GS camera, and takes pretty decent shots in the right lighting.

Decent, right? I'm TOTEZ a photographer. And this is on Instagram too, LOLZ!

So I've added Do A Fashion Shoot Using My Phone As A Camera to my non-existent to do list. I sincerely hope I remember to do this, but like at the end of the year when I have no school work deadlines looming. gah.

ps. Here's another iPhone fashion shoot using only natural light and reflectors, and a budget of $100.

pps. And this one here used an iPhone 4S, with a budget of ZERO $$$ and all the photos were edited using only Snapseed and Photoshop Express (iPhone apps, if ya don't know).

*I won't lie, I'm super inspired.
** not necessarily myself, I mean I wouldn't want to relinquish control completely but I'd like to make use of a real photographer to take photos on my phone. Who am I kidding? I'd totally do it myself because I am a control freak when it comes to my shit it would be fun.

***It's a Wildfire S. go away.

all original content © Mooniq Marlie, 2012-2013.


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