
song of the month: september 2012

The Naked and Famous - No Way, from their album Passive Me, Aggressive You.

So much love for this album lately.

fab ciraolo

I just stumbled upon an awesome blogspot featuring the artworks of one; Fabian Ciraolo. Well, at least I think that's his name because I can't read Spanish and his blog is in Spanish.*

It's got this trippy, collage-y vibe to it (and dare I say that loathsome H** word?) and I love his illustration style. Plus, NEBULAS!**

I think it's really cool, I like how he uses pop culture figures and turns them into pretentious d-bags hipsters. If I had a credit card/ or you know actual money, I would totally buy his artwork. Okay, that's a lie. I wouldn't buy artwork in general BUT if he made an album cover for a band/musician I really like, I would buy that CD even if I knew that CD wasn't such a good CD. Maybe. FINE! I just really like his stuff okay? Jeez.

I like how some of my ideas are already on his blog :(

*Also, I can't even read English properly.
**whipster without the w.
***this obsession needs to end.

A is for Astronaut Holding Solar System Balloons

It's September.Gahh. Really not looking forward to people's very original "Wake me up when September ends" posts. I can't stand Green Day, to me, they're like an adult Simple Plan. Snap, I bet I lost 2 of my 7 blog readers now. Oh well. I BLOG FOR ME, OKAY?!

ANYWAY, I somehow made it to the top 50 designs in Big Blue's Makhulu Polane t-shirt design competition! So, if you're one of my faithful (now) 5 blog readers, please vote for me by clicking >>this link<< and rate my design (below) with 5 stars. I'll love you forever. kbye.

all original content © Mooniq Marlie, 2012-2013.


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