So I've basically given up on this blog which is unnecessarily cruel. All it did was give me the attention I craved, but clearly didn't deserve. I'm sorry, baby!

My last few months have been busy with me growing as a person SO MUCH. No, not physically, unfortunately.*

I've been hustlin', I've worked a very very crappy retail job and I just finished a 3 month unpaid internship at  an online company. Who then offered me a paid position, which I'll be trained in and hopefully be made permanent. GO ME! My label has not fared so well, in fact, it is completely on the back burner until I have more experience and capital under my belt.

 I feel like the reason my attempts at starting up last year failed was because my heart wasn't fully in it. I honestly believe that when I'm passionate about something, I give it my all and go all in. It consumes me to the point of insanity...I just want it to work you, know? When I love, I love HARD. Wait, what was this blog post about again?

To 2014 and more posts**


*I fully accept and embrace my shortness. Short Power!
**ORIGINAL content, I  have so much plans

all original content © Mooniq Marlie, 2012-2013.


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